It’s all a part of RVing….maintenance and repairs. Fortunately our coach is still new enough that we have warranty left. Most of our warranty items are small “fit and finish” type of stuff, but our refrigerator has not worked correctly since we purchased the coach.
We arrived in Junction City, Oregon on Monday night. The repair center is nice enough to allow customers to stay in their adjacent parking lot free of charge and hook up electricity and water. There is a dump station on site if holding tanks get full.
Our appointment was scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10:00 am, so we checked in across the street and our service adviser looked over our list. After they pulled the coach into the shop to start repairs we were told that they couldn’t get everything done by 5:00 pm. They said we could stay in the coach that night while in the shop but needed to be out by 8:00 am the next morning to allow the workers access the next day. The service adviser called Wednesday afternoon and said they had completed all they could and needed to order parts for the rest of the work. Again, we could stay in the coach across the street until parts arrived.
Friday morning I asked for an update on the parts order the adviser told us that some of the refrigerator parts had arrived and they planned on pulling the coach into the shop around noon to install. We loaded up the dogs into the truck and headed to Eugene for the afternoon. We got a call around 1:30 pm and were told the service adviser wanted to see us at the shop right away. We headed back to the shop and the nervous service adviser said that the fork lift used to move the coach had slipped and damaged the front of the fifth wheel…..ouch! He assured us that everything could be repaired as new and shouldn’t take more than a few days.
So here we are….waiting for parts and hoping the body work doesn’t take too long so we can get back on the road. I guess we’ll visit another church on the road this Sunday!