Hand and Foot

We were blessed with some new friends yesterday, Al and Marge.  They have been full timing in a New Horizons 42′ fifth wheel for almost 3 years and started their journey from Philadelphia, PA.  They have rented a spot here in Ratama Village for the winter months and then move on in the summer to travel this great country of ours.

As we were talking with them they were giving us some of the details of what happens in the winter around the Village.  They went on and on about all the activities that they partake in while here and invited us to their Thursday night “Hand and Foot”.  As we were walking back to our coach we decided it might be a way to meet some more people from the Village….but were confused as to what Hand and Foot was.  Was it a board game?  Was it a version of Twister?  We hadn’t showered today….would our smelly feet be a problem?!?

When we arrived at the community center we were met by a new friend, Tim.  Tim asked if we were there for Hand and Foot and we said yes.  Shortly thereafter Al and Marge arrived and quickly took us into one of the game rooms and started to set up a table.  We soon discovered that Hand and Foot is a card game….and a lot of fun!

We were told that as many as 60 players show up during the winter months to play in the evening.  The game is played with an even number of players, usually 4 or 6, and a deck of cards for each player plus one.  As they were describing the game to us we really felt overwhelmed….but caught on quickly.

You can see the scoring cheat sheet that they provided us.  We won’t go into detail about the rules right now, but you can see how challenging a new game can become, especially when you’re partnered up with someone that knows the game and is depending on you to help them win!

All involved were very patient and kind.  We really had a good time and can’t wait to meet with them again.  As always we traded contact cards so we can stay in touch.